Friday, April 10, 2009

Day 95 (4-3-09)

Some of my favorite times of the day are right before bed when we get in our bed and snuggle as a family. Haley and I were being silly with eachother and Greg caught this great picture.

Day 94 (4-2-09)

Matthew has decided that he loves digging. I had so much fun capturing these photos of him digging in the neighbors front yard. Thankfully, the neighbor is the one that started digging her yard up so I didn't feel bad.

Day 93 (4-1-09)

Greg, Haley, and Matthew all headed out to Haley school for the "Art Showcase". They had a fantastic time and Haley had her picture taken with a giant paper mache' sundae. She also had her face painted and made pop-art using her initials.

Day 92 (3-31-09)

Today was such a gorgeous day here in Pittsburgh. We skipped Matthew's nap and played outside all afternoon. Matthew finally got to take out the bubble making lawn mower that his sister gave him for his birthday. It was a great photo shoot opportunity. He had a blast and slept so well that night.

Day 91 (3-30-09)

Matthew LOVES spaghetti!!! Spaghetti has to be strategically planned at our house. It has to be served when Matthew needs a bath and when there is actually time to give him a bath. It requires a long soaking.

Day 90 (3-29-09)

Happy 38th Birthday my darling. This picture says a lot about where you are in your life. A diet coke, 6 pills, and a cinnamon roll. Ha Ha Ha! I love you!

Day 89 (3-28-09)

We have been praying very hard for a sweet 5 month old boy named Stellan. He is trying to survive a heart condition. We created this for Stellan's name gallery and sent it to his mom.

Day 88 (3-26-09)

Haley found this sweet baby bunny in our garage while she was playing today. It's momma had just given birth about a week before in the bushes across the street. A dog scared all the bunnies out of thier nest and one ran into my garage. Great chance for a lesson on wildlife for the neighbor kids. Mommy and babies were promptly reuinited.

Day 87 (3-25-09)

Haley threw up all night last night. She got the "dreaded stomach bug" that Matthew had a few days ago. She was very mad at me when I took this picture. This child stayed on that couch all day. Poor baby.

Day 86 (3-24-09)

Haley was "dancing" for us today.

Day 85 (3-23-09)

Greg got a new hockey game for his computer. Matthew wouldn't leave him alone. I couldn't find him and Haley until I looked in the bathroom. They had decided to camp out and play the game in there, where Matthew wouldn't find them. Don't worry, Greg is actually wearing shorts.

Day 84 (3-22-09)

Happy 2nd Birthday my little man! Today was pretty low key. It was quiet family time with a yummy chocolate cake for a precious 2 year old. I can't believe how much he has grown.

Day 83 (3-21-09)

This was Haley's first real birthday party. The highlight was probably the pinata. We got great video footage of it. It was so much fun to watch them. Haley had a blast.

Day 82 (3-20-09)

Haley must have had a rough night. That is some scary hair. I may have to stick with with the other pictures to show her future boyfriends. :)

Day 80 (3-19-09)

Matthew doesn't like ice cream much. I think it hurts his teeth. Despite that, he sure did enjoy this baby cone at McDonald's. He was so loud eating it and kept smacking his lips together. We just laughed.

Day 79 (3-18-09)

Happy 6th Birthday my sweet baby girl. Daddy made a cake and decorated it with sprinkles that spelled out H K for your initials. It was sooooo yummy. You got the Birthday hat from school which you wore for 3 days straight.

Day 78 (3-17-09)

St. Patrick's Day surprise lunch. On the menu...
- toast with green sprinkles
- ramen noodles (dyed green)
- spinach veggie chips
- pistachio chips (they are green too)
- green wrapped Hershey's kiss
- green dyed milk
- two adorable green children
- lots of fun

Day 77 (3-16-09)

Haley and Matthew played with bubbles in the basement for over an hour. Matthew and I caught them while Haley created them. Matthew giggled the entire time.

Day 76 (3-15-09)

Haley is amazing at make believe play. She can take whatever she is playing with and create an entire scenario, voices and all, while shutting out the rest of the world for hours.

Day 75 (3-14-09)

This is a typical Saturday morning for us. We get up and sit in our pajamas on the couch to watch cartoons. Right now it seems that Avatar: The Last Airbender is the favorite. Pajamas stay on until it is time for hockey. It is good family time.

Day 74 (3-13-09)

Doesn't everyone need a little smile every once in a while? Matthew loves smiley faces. I found this balloon and just had to get it for him. He takes it everywhere in the house.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 73 (3-12-03)

Yesterday was MOPS swap where we bring items we don't use anymore and pick up items that we can use. I found this pair of boots, which I totally heart. They add that feminity that I am trying to go for. They have quite a heal on them and they make me feel so good.

Day 72 (3-11-09)

Haley likes to have sleepovers in our room sometimes. We have a little loveseat that she uses as her bed. This morning before we headed to MOPS I snapped these pictures of her cute feet while she was still sleeping. I can't believe she will be six in one week. YIKES!

Day 71 (3-10-09)

Matthew decided today that he wanted to learn how to walk up and down the stairs instead of crawling. I can't believe how big he is getting.

Day 70 (3-9-09)

We had a pretty day out today so we decided to get some spray painting projects done. Matthew sat on the little piece of carpet and dictated directions.